

英 ['lɒgwʊd]
美 ['lɒgwʊd]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    logwood[ 'lɔɡwud, 'lɔ:ɡ- ]

    • n.
      • very hard brown to brownish-red heartwood of a logwood tree; used in preparing a purplish red dye
      • spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye

        同义词:logwood treecampeachybloodwood treeHaematoxylum campechianum



    Logwood and Archaeology in Campeche
    The progress of logwood extract
    Natural Dye Logwood Applied to Real Silk Fabric
    British Logwood Extraction from the Mosquitia: The Origin of a Myth
    Historical Geography of the Belizean Logwood Trade
    Predicting moisture content in a pine logwood pile for energy purposes.
    Oxidative Potential of Logwood and Pellet Burning Particles Assessed by a Novel Profluorescent Nitroxide Probe
    A Study of Certain Natural Dyes I‐The Adsorption of Brazilwood and Logwood Colouring Matters by Fibres
    Comparing two different approaches in modeling small diameter energy wood drying in logwood piles.